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Research in the Faculty

We have active research clusters and strive to solve national and international problems by using ICT as an enabler to societal digital transformation. Besides offering qualifications in different specialisations and different exit levels in Computer Science and Informatics and endeavouring to keep up with the rapid changes and evolution of technology, we also consider community service as a priority.

Research Focus

Computing research and the concomitant knowledge investigation cut across all domains of human endeavours. Our research addresses the needs of the country, the region and the world at large. Our partners include many local and international entities. Domestic partnerships in industry and academia are forged constantly. The Faculty focuses on four main research areas:

  • Big Data: Infrastructure and Analytics
  • Indigenous Knowledge in the Digital World
  • Smart and Secure Environment
  • Digital Transformation


We have the following research clusters:


To be the leading enabler of societal digital transformation.


To graduate innovative leaders and advance computing and journalism knowledge through excellent education, research, and community service to the benefit of society.



Research Focus Areas

Data-intensive Systems

Big Data: Infrastructure and Analytics (BDIA)

Research Problem and Purpose

The data revolution introduced by the Internet companies from the early 2000s has now been amplified by the…

Indigenous Knowledge in Digital World (IKDW)

Indigenous Knowledge in Digital World (IKDW)

Research Problem and Purpose

The repositioning of Indigenous Knowledge (IK) and cultural heritage (CH) in our society has become a…

Smart and Secure Environments (SSE)

Smart and Secure Environments (SSE)

Research Problem and Purpose

Nowadays we are in the middle of a technological transformation, where most communicating devices in the…

Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation (DT)

Research Problem and Purpose

The digital transformation cluster consists of three main groups namely, E-Participation, Marginalised…

About Namibia University of Science and Technology

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A premier technological university known for knowledge creation, innovation, and entrepreneurship.


An engaged and responsive university, meeting the needs of stakeholders through excellent education, applied research, innovation and service.

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