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Prof Guy-Alain Lusilao Zodi

Associate Dean: School of Computing
Associate Professor

Phone : +264 61 207 2774
Email :
Office Location : FCI Building 017

PhD. Eng. (UCT)
MSc. Comp. Sci. (Stell.)
Post.Dipl. (AIMS-SA)
BSc., (Hons) Univ. Kinshasa

Professional Membership: 
IEEE Member

Communication Networks (wired and wireless networks)

Research Interest: 
Multimedia wireless networks; wireless sensor networks; and performance analysis of telecommunication networks.
Selected Publications: 
G.-A Lusilao-Zodi, G. P.Hancke, G. P. J.Hancke, A. B. Bagula, "EnhancedCentroid Localization of Wireless Sensor Nodes using Linear and Neighboring Weighting Mechanisms" Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (ACM IMCOM 2015), ACM-978-1-4503-3377, pp. 520-525, Bali, Indonesia, January 2015.
G.-A Lusilao-Zodi, M. E. Dlodlo, G. De Jager, K. L. Ferguson, "RRB-SIMD: A RTP Rate Based SIMD Protocol for Streaming Video on the Internet," Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference on Communication Networks and Services Research (CNSR), IEEE 978-1-4577-0040-8 2011, pp. 69-76, Ottawa, Ontario, May 2011.
G. A. Lusilao Zodi,M. E. Dlodlo, G. De Jager, Keith. L. Ferguson "Round-Trip Time Estimation in Telecommunication Networks Using Composite Expanding and Fading Memory Polynomials", Proc. of the 15th IEEE Mediterranean Electro-technical Conference, IEEE 978-1-4244-5794-6, pp. 1581-1585, Valetta, April 2010.

Notable Achievements: 
Winner of NSTF-BHP Billiton /South-Africa in the team category for a research leading to innovation in video broadcasting over low bandwidth networks , 2014.

Author of the following patent: G. A. Lusilao Zodi and N. Morisson, A system and method for estimating round-trip time in telecommunication networks,US PatentApp. 13/579,253, Available from, August 2012.

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