Prof Fungai Bhunu Shava
Professional Membership:
InfoSec, USec, UX, HCI
Research Interest:
InfoSec, USec, UX, HCI, ICT4D in underserviced communities
Selected Publications:
Book chapters:
Bhunu Shava, F., & van Greunen, D. (2015). Developing user security metrics towards awareness creation (Chapter 10). In J. Steyn, & D. van Greunen, ICTs for Inclusive Communities in Developing Societies (pp. 201-224). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Bere, M., Bhunu Shava, F., Gamundani , A. M., & Nhamu, I. (2015, November). How Advanced Persistent Threat Exploit Humans. IJCSI, 12(6), 170-174.
Gamundani, A. M., Bhunu Shava, F., Bere, M., & Kandjimi, H. (2015, April 2015 28). A preliminary survey on childonline protection initiatives: A focus on Namibia. International Research Journal of Computer Science, 2(4).
Tjirare, D.J., & Bhunu Shava, F. (2018). Designing Security metrics to Evaluate Employee Awareness: a Case of a Ministry in Namibia. Namibia Journal for Research, Science and Technology (NJRST) 1(1), 1-18
Erastus, L. R., Jere, N. R., & Bhunu Shava, F. (2020). Secure Information Infrastructure Framework Components for a Smart City: A Case Study of Windhoek. In P. Cunningham, & M. Cunningham (Ed.), IST-Africa 2020. Kampala, Uganda: IST-Africa 2020 Conference Proceedings, IMC International Information Management Corporation. 18-22 May 2020.
Morolong, M., Gamundani, A. M., & Bhunu Shava, F. (2020). Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Information Security Risks: Case of Lesotho. 15th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ICCWS 2020). Norfolk, Virginia. 12 - 13 March 2020.
Kahimise, J., & Bhunu Shava, F. (2020). An Analysis on Social Networking Threats. 15th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ICCWS 2020). Norfolk, Virginia. 12 - 13 March 2020.
Gerson, N., & Bhunu Shava, F. (2020). A Review of Security System Assessment Tools Suitable for eHealth in Namibia. 15th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ICCWS 2020). Norfolk, Virginia. 12 - 13 March 2020
Erastus, L. R., Jere, N. R., & Bhunu Shava, F. (2020). A Secure Smart City Infrastructure framework for e-Service Delivery within a Developing Country: A case of Windhoek in Namibia. Fifth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology (ICICT 2020). London, UK. February 20-21, 2020.
Erastus, L. R., Jere, N. R., & Bhunu Shava, F. (2020). Smart City eReadiness Assessment – Is City of Windhoek Ready? 3rd International Conference on Innovative Computing And Communication (ICICC-2020). New Dehli, India, February 21-23, 2020
Chitauro, M., Bhunu Shava, F., Gamundani, A.M., Nhamu, I., Chitauro, S., & Phillips, A. (2019). Overcoming Barriers: Enhancing Cyber Security Education and Awareness Through Cloud Based Cyber Security Competitions. In Proceedings of UbuntuNet-Connect. Zanzibar, Tanzania, UbuntuNet – ConnectUbuntu https://repository.ubuntunet.net/handle/10.20374/290
Kahimise, J., & Bhunu Shava, F. (2019). An analysis of children’s online activities and behaviours that expose them to cybercrimes. 27th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR) 2019. pp. 1-4. Serbia, Belgrade, IEEE-Xplore.
Morolong, M., Bhunu Shava, F., & Gamundani, A. M. (2019). Sensitive data leakage through Android Applications in a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Workplace. In P. Cunningham, & M. Cunningham (Ed.), IST-Africa 2019. Nairobi: IST-Africa 2019 Conference Proceedings, IMC International Information Management Corporation.
Musarurwa, S., Gamundani, A. M., & Bhunu Shava, F. (2019). An assessment of BYOD control in Higher Learning Institutions: A Namibian Perspective. In P. Cunningham, & M. Cunningham (Ed.), IST-Africa 2019. Nairobi: IST-Africa 2019 Conference Proceedings, IMC International Information Management Corporation.
Maoneke, P., Bhunu Shava, F., Gamunadani, A.M., Chitauro, M., & Nhamu, I. ICTs Use and Cyberspace Risks Faced By Adolescence in Namibia. In Proceedings of AfriCHI’18 (pp.109-117)., December 3-7, 2018, Windhoek, Namibia, ISBN: 978-1-4503-6558-1 https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3283483
Chitauro, M., Gamundani, A.M., Bhunu Shava, F. & Chitauro, S (2018). A National Platform for Augmenting Cyber Security 21st Century Competencies: Namibia National Cyber Security Competition. In Proceedings of UbuntuNet-Connect. Zanzibar, Tanzania, UbuntuNet - Connect
Nghihalwa, E., & Bhunu Shava, F. (2018). A Secure Cloud Adoption Framework (SCAF) for the Namibian government information technology departments. In Proceeding of World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WS4 2018) (pp.246-253). London, UK: IEEE - Xplorer
Nghihalwa, E., & Bhunu Shava, F.(2018). An assessment of cloud computing readiness in the Namibian government Information Technology departments. In Proceedings of 19th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference MELECON ’18 (pp.92-97). Marrakesh: IEEE.
Erastus, L. R., Jere, N. R., & Bhunu Shava, F. (2017). A Security Model for Namibian Government Services. In P. Cunningham, & M. Cunningham (Ed.), IST-Africa 2017. Windhoek: IST-Africa 2017 Conference Proceedings, IIMC International Information Management Corporation.
Musarurwa, S., Gamundani, A. M., & Bhunu Shava, F. (2017). A Review of Security Challenges for Control of Access to Wi-Fi Networks in Tertiary Institutions. In P. Cunningham, & M. Cunningham (Ed.), IST-Africa 2017. Windhoek: IST-Africa 2017 Conference Proceedings, IMC International Information Management Corporation.
Pahla, C., Bhunu Shava, F., & Muyingi, H. N.-N. (2017). Analysis of group mobility for opportunistic campus network. IEEE Tensymp. Cochin, Kerala: IEEE. doi:978-1-5090-6255-3/17/
Tjirare, D., & Bhunu Shava, F. (2017). Gap Analysis of the ISO/IEC 27000 Standard Implementation in Namibia. IST-Africa, 2017. Windhoek: IST-Africa 2017 Conference Proceedings, IIMC International Information Management Corporation.
Bhunu Shava, F., Gamundani, A.M., Chitauro, M., Nhamu, I., & Mikka,J. (2016). A frame-work for addressing child online protection issues in Namibia: Societal Governance. 2016 Sanord Conference, Uppsala Universitet, Uppsala Sweeden, 7-9 September 2016. http://akkonferens.slu.se/sanord2016/wpcontent/uploads/sites/24/2015/11/SANORD-Program-and-Abstracts-2016.pdf
Tjirare, D.J., & Bhunu Shava, F. (2016). Security Policy Adoption Framework For Security Standards Implementation In Namibia. In Conference Proceedings of the International Con-ference on Culture & Computer Science 2016 (ICCCS2016 ) held in Windhoek (25-28 Octo-ber, 2016) pp. 98-99.
Bhunu Shava, F., Bere, M., Nhamu, I. & Gamundani, A. M. (2015). Desinging A Knowledge Based Economy Model For Developing Countries With A Focus On Security. (SANORD 2015, Windhoek, 1-3 December, 2015, In Print)
Gamundani, A.M., Nhamu, I., Bhunu Shava, F., & Bere, M. (2015). Social networking as both a cause for concern and a window for hope - A focus on child online protection in Namibia (ACCC2015), Port Elizabeth, 3-5 November 2015.
Erastus, L., Jere, N.R., & Bhunu Shava, F. (2015). Multimodal Biometrics for better security: A case of Namibian Government Departments. Natitonal Research Symposium, Hilton Hotel: Windhoek.
Erastus, L. R., Jere, N. R., & Bhunu Shava, F. (2015). Exploring Challenges of Biometric Technology Adoption:A Namibian Review (ETNCC2015). International Conference on Emerging Trends in Network and Computer Communication (pp 91-94). Windhoek: IEEE Xplore.
Bhunu Shava, F. and van Greunen, D. Designing user security metrics for a security awareness at Higher and Tertiary institution. Proceedings of the 8th International Development Informatics Association conference (IDIA 2014). Port Elizabeth. ISBN: 978-0-620-63498-4, 280-296
Bhunu Shava, F. and van Greunen, D. Factors affecting user experience with security features: A case study of an academic institution in Namibia, IEEE, doi 978-1-4799-0808-0/13. Presented at ISSA 2013 (International Information Security South Africa Conference)
Bhunu Shava, F. A framework for usable security in client side applications. Poster Presentation at the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists (SAICSIT) conference (2011)
Bhunu Shava F., Nyaruwabvu, R., & Nyambo, B. (2005). ARP subverting and network security: Master dissertation presented at VLIR- UNZA international Conference of Interdisciplinary Research: Lusaka, Taj Pamodzi.
Bhunu Shava , F., Gamundani A.M., & Chitauro , M. (2016). Exploring and creating organization information security culture: Influencing end user security actions and behaviour for a better organizational information security culture in the IOT & BYOD era. In Conference Proceedings of the International Conference on Culture & Computer Science 2016 (ICCCS2016 ) held in Windhoek (25-28 October, 2016) pp. 113-115.
Bhunu Shava, F., Gamundani, A.M., Chitauro, M., Nhamu, I., Mikka, J., Lloyd, S., Phyffer, J., Leoschut, L., and Burton, P. (2016). Voices of children:An exploratory research study on knowledge, attitudes and practices of information and communication technology (ICT) use and online safety risks by children in Namibia. Windhoek: UNICEF.
Peer ReviewedPublications:
Erastus, L. R., Jere, N. R., & Bhunu Shava, F. (2020). Smart City eReadiness Assessment – Is City of Windhoek Ready? (March 28, 2020). Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing & Communications (ICICC) 2020, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3563088 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3563088
Tjirare, D.J., & Bhunu Shava, F. (2016). Security Policy Adoption Framework for Security Standards Implementation In Namibia. In Conference Proceedings of the International Conference on Culture & Computer Science 2016 (ICCCS2016 ) held in Windhoek (25-28 October, 2016) pp. 98-99.
Erastus, L. R., Jere, N. R., & Bhunu Shava, F. (2015). Exploring Challenges of Biometric Technology Adoption: A Namibian Review (ETNCC2015). International Conference on Emerging Trends in Network and Computer Communication (pp 91-94). Windhoek: IEEE Xplore. DOI:10.1109/ETNCC.2015.7184814, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7184814