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The Faculty Research Action Plan 2014-2018

Rearch (Development and Innovation) Strategies implementation plan for the Faculty is around the followings:

  1. Built recognzed Research Clusters
  2. Reseach cluster lead by experienced senior staff in the field
  3. Cluster to include: (Principal investigator)/ Research Associate (external partners)/ Research Assistants (Master and PhD), and Hons)/Research (other staff, and supervisors)
  4. Regular Clusters and Department research meetings
  5. Monthly School Postgraduate Research Workshop
  6. Each Cluster to set at least ONE LAB
  7. Each Cluster to have Website presence linked to activities (where each student has a page) ( refer to Mr D. Kawana)
  8. Individual research activities are also considered, but we encourage migration into a research group.
  9. Each Cluster, assisted by the School, to strive to host an International conference over a 2-year cycle
  10. One School monthly research presentation (alternating with International or partner guest speakers)
  11. All (local & guest speaker speech and ) presentations to be available on the Website
  12. Each Cluster to always keep identifying commercialization opportunities of outcome/results/ process aspects (Dean and Coordinators role)
  13. Encourage use of Research Africa, NCRST, NRF/RSA, Horizon-2020, InfoDev, IDRC calls for funded research
  14. Generate income (R&D, Consultancy, Funded research) for at least 50% annual expenses of all international conferences by 2016
  15. Generate income (R&D, Contract research, Consultancy, Funded research) for setting and maintaining research Labs
  16. Encourage researchers to publish in PEER_REVIEW venues (journal, conference, patent), preferably rated ones in the field.
  17. Multi-authored publications are encouraged, but should keep the rate of 1.5 publications per team members per year.
  18. Target 100% to be Co-publications between staff and students by 2016
  19. Target 60% to be international co-publications
  20. Target Publications from 2014 to 2018 ( 36, 46, 52, 54, 58)
  21. Organize yearly School Research Day ( July 2014)
  22. Keep regular awareness in the local media of SCI research highlights
  23. Membership for Professional Bodies to all (staff and Masters and PhD Students)
  24. Interim (semester) and annual research report
  25. Recognize and award performance through defined set of ways, in a regular basis (you need to develop this).

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