The Bachelor of Computer Science Honours is a postgraduate specialisation degree that aims at consolidating and deepening the
knowledge and skills of students in the main cognate area of learning, as well as developing their capacity to conduct supervised
research of an applied nature. The programme is purposefully designed to expose students to advanced concepts, theories,
tools, and methods of Computer Science. In this context, specific emphasis is placed on internationally accepted general standards
and practices, as well as key attributes that would enable graduates to assume supervisory/middle management and applied
research positions in the Computing industry, academia, and in the public sector in general.
The curriculum is structured to facilitate specialisation in the areas of Communication Networks, Software Development,
Information Security and Digital Forensics.
Admission Requirements
Applicants may be considered for admission to this programme if they have a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, preferably in
Communication Networks or an equivalent qualification at NQF Level 7 from a recognised institution, worth at least 360 credits.
Additional admission criteria may apply as set at the discretion of the Department. Applicants are required to submit the following
documents with their applications:
o A professional resume, highlighting practical and professional Computing and IT experience, if applicable;
o A written proposal/motivation for undertaking further studies;
o A transcript of the undergraduate study.