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Bachelor of Informatics Honours (Web Informatics)
Modes of Study  Full-time/ Part-time
Duration 1 Year
Level Postgraduate
Course Code 08BIHW


The Bachelor of Informatics Honours is a postgraduate specialisation degree that aims at providing educational opportunities for 
students who  are  interested  in  and motivated  to  work  as Web  and  Business Informatics  Specialists  or  related  practices. This 
programme is purposefully designed to develop students’ ability to conduct supervised research by applying advanced concepts, 
theories,  tools,  and  methods  of  Informatics.  In  this  context,  specific  emphasis  is  placed  on  internationally  accepted  general 
standards and practices, as well as key attributes that would enable graduates to assume supervisory/middle management and 
applied research positions in the Computing industry, academia, and in the public sector in general.

Graduates  of  this  programme  will  be  able  to  find  employment  or entrepreneurship  in  the  public and  private  sectors  as Informatics 
specialists (e.g. Research Assistants, Web and Data Analyst etc.). The programme is revised in consultation with stakeholders in 
the  Computing  and  Informatics  both  in  Namibia  and  abroad  and  has  been  endorsed  by  members  of  the  Programme  Advisory 
Committee (PAC).  

This programme is fully aligned with the requirements of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and the NUST Curriculum 


Admission Requirements 

Applicants may be considered for admission to this programme if they have a Bachelor’s degree in Informatics from the Namibia 
University of Science and Technology (NUST), or an equivalent qualification at NQF Level 7 from a recognised institution, worth at 
least 360 credits. Additional admission criteria may apply as set at the discretion of the Department.

Applicants are required to submit the following documents with their applications:
o A professional resume, highlighting practical and professional Computing and IT experience, if applicable

About Namibia University of Science and Technology

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A premier technological university known for knowledge creation, innovation, and entrepreneurship.


An engaged and responsive university, meeting the needs of stakeholders through excellent education, applied research, innovation and service.

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